NASPD Hall of Fame

NASPD Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Inductees shall have served the pipe & pipe distribution industry continuously for a minimum of 30 years. Individuals may receive induction posthumously.

Hall of Fame recipients shall have made a unique and special contribution to the industry, have been considered a “pillar” of the industry, or have grown their company to be an industry segment leader. Involvement in the NASPD is not a requirement and individuals from both NASPD member & non-members are eligible.

The Past Presidents of the NASPD shall process nominations and determine those selected for induction.

NASPD Hall of Fame Inductees

Maximo "Max" Tejeda 2023

Wallace "Wally" S. Wilson Jr.


Barry Zekelman


Kathy Walton


Jack E. Wachob

W. Byron Dunn 2017
John B. (Jack) Lally 2017
Steve Livingston 2016
Jaime Z. Woldenberg 2015
Norman E. Gottschalk Jr. 2014
John M. “Jack” Hauck 2014
Mort Keiser 2013
Abe Merfish 2013
Douglass Preston Yadon 2013
Jim Barnes 2012
Earl Cohen  2012
Sol Rosenberg  2012
Lester A. Crancer, Sr. 2011
André Crispin 2011
Hans Kayem 2011
Lewis B. Ketchum 2011
Pete Knowles 2011
Bob Rau 2011
Jerry Rubenstein 2011
Jerry Eugene Shea, Jr. 2011
Henry Zarrow 2011