Prospective Member

Dear Prospective Member,

Thank you for your interest in the NASPD. The following information provides details about the various member services and benefits available from an investment in membership in the NASPD.

The National Association of Steel Pipe Distributors has gone through a recent restructuring and refocusing process through which many new changes have developed and many more are forthcoming. We have developed a mission statement: “To provide a participative environment and forum for members to network, communicate, educate and promote the steel pipe and tube industry.” As requested by our members, we have redesigned our meeting programs to provide our members with a forum to discuss the industry issues that most concern them.

It is our goal to have our finger on the pulse of the steel pipe industry and to provide that information to our members through quality articles in our Pipeline magazine and quality programs at our meetings. Our membership has been growing rapidly and is continuing to grow.

The NASPD is continually working to provide members with the latest news of the industry. The NASPD Tubular Products Manual is available to members at a reduced rate. The NASPD website provides links to NASPD member companies and contains news of the pipe industry and our member companies, as well as upcoming NASPD events and Pipeline magazine online.

The Fundamentals of Steel Pipe book is an invaluable tool to train new employees or just brushing up on your skills. The book is a comprehensive body of knowledge for the steel pipe tubular products industry and is available to NASPD members.

The NASPD Steel Pipe Basic Education Course & the OCTG Education Course is held yearly. This is an opportunity to get a great overview of the industry in a short period of time as well as a specialization in OCTG if that is of additional interest. You can sign up for one or both courses. All participants will receive either a “Certificate of Attendance”. In addition to the material found in The Fundamentals of Steel Pipe, experts in each of the various fields will contribute their knowledge and experience to enhance the program.

The NASPD holds one convention and two conferences per year. As a guest, you may attend one NASPD meeting or single event at a meeting before submitting a membership application. We welcome your attendance at future meetings but you must have a pending application in order to attend a second time. With a pending application for membership you will qualify for registration at the member rate.

As you can see there are great opportunities for members. I hope you will take advantage of what the NASPD has to offer. Please join us at the next meeting. The meeting dates can be found on our website,, under events. Again, if you have any questions, please contact me at 361-574-7878.



Susannah F. Porr
Executive Director

Our Mission

To provide a participative environment and forum for members to network, communicate, educate and promote the steel pipe and tube industry.

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